Packery Channel Publications, Reports, and Presentations


Kraus, N. C., Heilman, D. J., 1997. Annual Report Fiscal Year 2003 (PDF)

Kraus, N.C., and D.J. Heilman,, 1997. Packery Channel Feasibility Study: Inlet Functional Design and Sand Management 1997 (PDF) Report 1 of a Two-Part Series, Final Report. Tech. Rep.: TAMU-CC-CBI-96-06, prepared for Naismith Engineering, Inc., Corpus Christi, TX, 106 pp.

Brown, C.A., and Militello, A. 1997. Packery Channel Feasibility Study: Bay Circulation and Water Level 1997 (PDF) Report 2 of a Two-Part Series. Tech. Rep. TAMU-CC-CBI-96-07, Conrad Blucher Institute for Surveying and Science, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi, prepared for Naismith Engineering, Inc., Corpus Christi, TX. 51 pp.

Hydrodynamic Assessment for the Elevation of the JFK Causeway 1995. Proceeding Texas Water ’95, Texas section of the American Society of Civil Engineers, 11p.


Williams, D. D., Kraus, N. C.  2011.  “Seasonal Change in Nearshore and Channel Morphology at Packery Channel, A New Inlet Serving Corpus Christi, Texas.”  Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 59 (Spring 2011) pp. 86-97.

Williams, D. D., Kraus, N. C., etal, 2005. Baseline and Construction Monitoring of Packery Channel, Corpus Christi, Texas

2005 Proceedings, National Conference on Beach Preservation Technology, Florida Shore and Beach Preservation Association, 16p.

Williams, D. D., Kraus, N.C., etal, 2007. Morphologic Response to a New Inlet, Packery Channel, Corpus Christi, Texas (2007 ASCE conference), 14p.


Summary of Monitoring and Research for Fiscal Year 2003-2006 (PDF) (Presented at the 10/17/2006 Corpus Christi City Council Meeting)

Related Studies

Garrison, J. R., Smelly, S., 2007.
Recovery of Infaunal Crustacean Colonies Following a Period of Rapid Sedimentation and Defaunation: A Neoichnological Examination Following Beach Rejuvenation on the South Side of Packery Channel, North Padre Island, Texas, 15p.

Other Publications

Price, W.A. 1947. The Role of diastrophism in topography of Corpus Christi area, south Texas. Bull. Am. Assn. Petrol. Geols. 17: 907-962.